PS: Last Saturday, we watched A Good Day To Die Hard together with my mom and aunt. It was a great movie compared to parts 1 to 4.
Hello fellow bloggers, how are you? For me, I was kinda busy with some tasks. It's been more than a month since my last entry. Last February 2, I attended our 6th Grand Alumni Homecoming at Davao Christian High School. The host of the said activity was batch 1988. As usual, only 5 of us attended in our batch. Sad to say, I did not win the major price (5 IPad Mini). But I got a DCHS shirt as a minor price. Well, wishing that next alumni homecoming marami na kami.
Batch 1996
Musical number, Joseph The Dreamer
Batch 1989, will host next year's alumni
Batch 1988, hosted this year's alumni